Thursday, July 21, 2011

f r o m . t h e . a r c h i v e s

I'll call this "Classic Sam" circa 2007.
Essay Intro to A Little Crescent Moon

Awareness is a drug--an opiate, a depressant and a stimulant. 

It is a limb tingling, brain-beating spiral, where the blood curdles of its own frustrated accord and stinging wide eyes must flicker with frantic unease--that's what true knowledge is. When each separation from the fix breeds thick apprehension and each stumble back into its arms yields the most conceivably comforting embrace, one has found it. 

To discover truth is to swallow the Pill; once one becomes aware, there is no escape, only the desire for more, for clarification. There is only the smothering kiss of an abusively gentle lover, a lonely, exciting thrill of peace chased by torrid wakefulness and the subsequent moments of agony from kiss to kiss; each new thrill requires more shock to please and the learner needs never stop the process. 

Awareness is a drug: a hand to hold and be held, but never let go of without great trepidation